Here is a place where you can catch a glimpse of lakes, fields, mountains and various landscapes of British Columbia. I enjoy breathing the air the higher in elevation I go. There is a sweet smell to the atmosphere depending on the day. For those of you who have a heart that is tied with great love to our Mother Earth please enjoy this blog and I welcome your opinions and feedback Love and Light Colleen

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Homesteading, British Columbia

The owners call this homestead ‘Valley View’; it is a 45-minute hike from our home. At the beginning of May my husband and I packed a picnic and headed up the road. What an amazing afternoon, we were on top of the world. It is place of beauty and solitude.

The North Thompson River Valley

The settlers must have endured a hard life, co-existing with Mother Earth. Spending the day imagining how they lived and exploring the dwellings was a lot of fun. A day of good air and energy made for a great sleep that evening.


Spoked Wheel

There are a lot of old homesteads throughout The Ranchland and Gold Rush areas of British Columbia. If you drive the secondary highways on the British Columbia Road map you will find many treasures. I always keep my eyes open any route I take. I love the old ruins and the pieces left behind from those before me.

Have a most wonderful day there will be more posts to come.